Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What a Day!

Yesterday was not your typical Monday.
Around 10 Sunday night we heard a crash in the laundry room. Andrew went to check it out and said it didn't look like anything had fallen. At about 1:30 in the morning Owen woke up. I went to go check on him and thought it was really cold in our house. I tried to turn up the heat but nothing happened. I thought it was weird but didn't think much about it in my sleepy daze. Then at about 3 he woke up again. I picked him up to feed him and his hands were freezing and it was even colder in the house. I woke up Andrew and had him take a look at the heater. It wasn't working. So we decided to have Owen sleep with us to keep him warm because he is always kicking off his blankets.
I left to go to preschool about 10 minutes early so I could prep the art activity because there was a lot of things a needed to cut out. I couldn't get the car to start. The battery to our key has been low and we ordered new ones and they were supposed to be here last Wednesday and still aren't here. Anyway, there are a few tricks to get the car started but none of them were working. so at 8:15 I call the lady I teach for and tell her that my car wont start and that I might be a little late but will keep trying. She says she will come and get me which is so nice of her so I don't have to walk/run. She lives about a mile and a half away which isn't that far but it was snowy and there was no way I would have made it on time. Then she calls back and says that she will do the prep for me and one of the moms will pick me up on the way. So that was even better. Everything worked out great and the children had a fun time making heart puppies even though none of them actually looked like puppies. They got to use the hearts however they wanted.

Once I got home, the heater still wasn't working and Andrew and Owen were freezing. At that point we knew there was a real problem and so I called a repair man. I called one and they said they could come late that night or early the next morning. Well that wasn't going to work. The next guy I called said he was just about to go to lunch but would stop by right before and to expect him in the next 10 minutes. He was here for about 40 minutes and finally figured out what was wrong. The igniter had burnt out and broken off. That would explain the crash Sunday night. He had to go get a new one 30 miles away and get lunch. He said he would be back around 3.
We were still cold so we hung out in the kitchen around the oven while I made bread. The oven made it much warmer so that was helpful. I felt so bad for Owen because he didn't want to be held but anytime I would put him down he would kick off the blankets.
The repair man came back about 3:30 and we finally had heat about 4:15.
And that was our not so typical Monday!

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