Wednesday, February 25, 2015

One Simple Rule to a Clean House

A few weeks ago I was talking to my mom about how my house was so messy; there were dishes in the sink, the kitchen was a mess, the toilet needed scrubbed, and there was laundry to be folded. She said that she has recently read an article that talked about one simple way to organize your life/house. It was, finish. It is so easy to make dinner and leave the dishes on the counter or stove. Then eat dinner and leave the dishes in the sink. I think, I'll take care of these after Owen is sleeping or in a while. Do that a few meals a day for 2 days and there is a huge mess. In reality, if I did the dishes right after dinner it wouldn't take as long, it would be easier because the pot would be fresh and not caked on and then I wouldn't have that be nagging me in the back of my mind.
When I do laundry, I always wait and do 4 or 5 loads at a time. The article said to do a load when you need to and not let it pile up. Then as soon as it is done drying fold it and put it away. It sounds simple enough but I'm really good at putting things off. I always think, I'll get to it before I go to bed. Then I get in bed and remember but I'm already in bed so I think I'll do it in the morning. Next thing I know it's 3 days later and the clothes are wrinkled and still in the dryer. 
I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I've been doing it for about a week and it really is working. It's just a simple rule that is making my house cleaner and making me happier. It's crazy how a cleaner house can help me feel happier. I have less to worry about and it's great!

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